Source code for pyDataverse.api

"""Dataverse API wrapper for all it's API's."""
import json
import subprocess as sp

from requests import ConnectionError
from requests import delete
from requests import get
from requests import post
from requests import put
from requests import Response

from pyDataverse.exceptions import ApiAuthorizationError
from pyDataverse.exceptions import ApiUrlError
from pyDataverse.exceptions import DatasetNotFoundError
from pyDataverse.exceptions import DataverseNotEmptyError
from pyDataverse.exceptions import DataverseNotFoundError
from pyDataverse.exceptions import OperationFailedError

[docs]class Api: """Base class. Parameters ---------- base_url : str Base URL of Dataverse instance. Without trailing `/` at the end. e.g. `` api_token : str Authenication token for the api. Attributes ---------- base_url api_token dataverse_version """ def __init__( self, base_url: str, api_token: str = None, api_version: str = "latest" ): """Init an Api() class. Scheme, host and path combined create the base-url for the api. See more about URL at `Wikipedia <>`_. Parameters ---------- base_url : str Base url for Dataverse api. api_token : str Api token for Dataverse api. Examples ------- Create an Api connection:: >>> from pyDataverse.api import Api >>> base_url = '' >>> api = Api(base_url) """ if not isinstance(base_url, str): raise ApiUrlError("base_url {0} is not a string.".format(base_url)) self.base_url = base_url if not isinstance(api_version, ("".__class__, "".__class__)): raise ApiUrlError("api_version {0} is not a string.".format(api_version)) self.api_version = api_version if api_token: if not isinstance(api_token, ("".__class__, "".__class__)): raise ApiAuthorizationError("Api token passed is not a string.") self.api_token = api_token if self.base_url: if self.api_version == "latest": self.base_url_api = "{0}/api".format(self.base_url) else: self.base_url_api = "{0}/api/{1}".format( self.base_url, self.api_version ) else: self.base_url_api = None self.timeout = 500 def __str__(self): """Return name of Api() class for users. Returns ------- str Naming of the API class. """ return "API: {0}".format(self.base_url_api)
[docs] def get_request(self, url, params=None, auth=False): """Make a GET request. Parameters ---------- url : str Full URL. params : dict Dictionary of parameters to be passed with the request. Defaults to `None`. auth : bool Should an api token be sent in the request. Defaults to `False`. Returns ------- class:`requests.Response` Response object of requests library. """ params = {} params["User-Agent"] = "pydataverse" if self.api_token: params["key"] = str(self.api_token) try: resp = get(url, params=params) if resp.status_code == 401: error_msg = resp.json()["message"] raise ApiAuthorizationError( "ERROR: GET - Authorization invalid {0}. MSG: {1}.".format( url, error_msg ) ) elif resp.status_code >= 300: if resp.text: error_msg = resp.text raise OperationFailedError( "ERROR: GET HTTP {0} - {1}. MSG: {2}".format( resp.status_code, url, error_msg ) ) return resp except ConnectionError: raise ConnectionError( "ERROR: GET - Could not establish connection to api {0}.".format(url) )
[docs] def post_request(self, url, data=None, auth=False, params=None, files=None): """Make a POST request. params will be added as key-value pairs to the URL. Parameters ---------- url : str Full URL. data : str Metadata as a json-formatted string. Defaults to `None`. auth : bool Should an api token be sent in the request. Defaults to `False`. files: dict e. g. files = {'file': open('sample_file.txt','rb')} params : dict Dictionary of parameters to be passed with the request. Defaults to `None`. Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ params = {} params["User-Agent"] = "pydataverse" if self.api_token: params["key"] = self.api_token try: resp = post(url, data=data, params=params, files=files) if resp.status_code == 401: error_msg = resp.json()["message"] raise ApiAuthorizationError( "ERROR: POST HTTP 401 - Authorization error {0}. MSG: {1}".format( url, error_msg ) ) return resp except ConnectionError: raise ConnectionError( "ERROR: POST - Could not establish connection to API: {0}".format(url) )
[docs] def put_request(self, url, data=None, auth=False, params=None): """Make a PUT request. Parameters ---------- url : str Full URL. data : str Metadata as a json-formatted string. Defaults to `None`. auth : bool Should an api token be sent in the request. Defaults to `False`. params : dict Dictionary of parameters to be passed with the request. Defaults to `None`. Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ params = {} params["User-Agent"] = "pydataverse" if self.api_token: params["key"] = self.api_token try: resp = put(url, data=data, params=params) if resp.status_code == 401: error_msg = resp.json()["message"] raise ApiAuthorizationError( "ERROR: PUT HTTP 401 - Authorization error {0}. MSG: {1}".format( url, error_msg ) ) return resp except ConnectionError: raise ConnectionError( "ERROR: PUT - Could not establish connection to api '{0}'.".format(url) )
[docs] def delete_request(self, url, auth=False, params=None): """Make a Delete request. Parameters ---------- url : str Full URL. auth : bool Should an api token be sent in the request. Defaults to `False`. params : dict Dictionary of parameters to be passed with the request. Defaults to `None`. Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ params = {} params["User-Agent"] = "pydataverse" if self.api_token: params["key"] = self.api_token try: return delete(url, params=params) except ConnectionError: raise ConnectionError( "ERROR: DELETE could not establish connection to api {}.".format(url) )
[docs]class DataAccessApi(Api): """Class to access Dataverse's Data Access API. Examples ------- Examples should be written in doctest format, and should illustrate how to use the function/class. >>> Attributes ---------- base_url_api_data_access : type Description of attribute `base_url_api_data_access`. base_url : type Description of attribute `base_url`. """ def __init__(self, base_url, api_token=None): """Init an DataAccessApi() class.""" super().__init__(base_url, api_token) if base_url: self.base_url_api_data_access = "{0}/access".format(self.base_url_api) else: self.base_url_api_data_access = self.base_url_api def __str__(self): """Return name of DataAccessApi() class for users. Returns ------- str Naming of the DataAccess API class. """ return "Data Access API: {0}".format(self.base_url_api_data_access)
[docs] def get_datafile( self, identifier, data_format=None, no_var_header=None, image_thumb=None, is_pid=True, auth=False, ): """Download a datafile via the Dataverse Data Access API. Get by file id (HTTP Request). .. code-block:: bash GET /api/access/datafile/$id Get by persistent identifier (HTTP Request). .. code-block:: bash GET http://$SERVER/api/access/datafile/:persistentId/?persistentId=doi:10.5072/FK2/J8SJZB Parameters ---------- identifier : str Identifier of the datafile. Can be datafile id or persistent identifier of the datafile (e. g. doi). is_pid : bool ``True`` to use persistent identifier. ``False``, if not. Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ is_first_param = True if is_pid: url = "{0}/datafile/{1}".format(self.base_url_api_data_access, identifier) if data_format or no_var_header or image_thumb: url += "?" else: url = "{0}/datafile/:persistentId/?persistentId={1}".format( self.base_url_api_data_access, identifier ) if data_format: url += "format={0}".format(data_format) is_first_param = False if no_var_header: if not is_first_param: url += "&" url += "noVarHeader={0}".format(no_var_header) is_first_param = False if image_thumb: if not is_first_param: url += "&" url += "imageThumb={0}".format(image_thumb) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def get_datafiles(self, identifier, data_format=None, auth=False): """Download a datafile via the Dataverse Data Access API. Get by file id (HTTP Request). .. code-block:: bash GET /api/access/datafiles/$id1,$id2,...$idN Get by persistent identifier (HTTP Request). Parameters ---------- identifier : str Identifier of the dataset. Can be datafile id or persistent identifier of the datafile (e. g. doi). Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ url = "{0}/datafiles/{1}".format(self.base_url_api_data_access, identifier) if data_format: url += "?format={0}".format(data_format) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def get_datafile_bundle(self, identifier, file_metadata_id=None, auth=False): """Download a datafile in all its formats. HTTP Request: .. code-block:: bash GET /api/access/datafile/bundle/$id Data Access API calls can now be made using persistent identifiers (in addition to database ids). This is done by passing the constant :persistentId where the numeric id of the file is expected, and then passing the actual persistent id as a query parameter with the name persistentId. This is a convenience packaging method available for tabular data files. It returns a zipped bundle that contains the data in the following formats: - Tab-delimited; - “Saved Original”, the proprietary (SPSS, Stata, R, etc.) file from which the tabular data was ingested; - Generated R Data frame (unless the “original” above was in R); - Data (Variable) metadata record, in DDI XML; - File citation, in Endnote and RIS formats. Parameters ---------- identifier : str Identifier of the dataset. Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ url = "{0}/datafile/bundle/{1}".format( self.base_url_api_data_access, identifier ) if file_metadata_id: url += "?fileMetadataId={0}".format(file_metadata_id) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def request_access(self, identifier, auth=True, is_filepid=False): """Request datafile access. This method requests access to the datafile whose id is passed on the behalf of an authenticated user whose key is passed. Note that not all datasets allow access requests to restricted files. /api/access/datafile/$id/requestAccess curl -H "X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN" -X PUT http://$SERVER/api/access/datafile/{id}/requestAccess """ if is_filepid: url = "{0}/datafile/:persistentId/requestAccess?persistentId={1}".format( self.base_url_api_data_access, identifier ) else: url = "{0}/datafile/{1}/requestAccess".format( self.base_url_api_data_access, identifier ) return self.put_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def allow_access_request(self, identifier, do_allow=True, auth=True, is_pid=True): """Allow access request for datafiles. curl -H "X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN" -X PUT -d true http://$SERVER/api/access/{id}/allowAccessRequest curl -H "X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN" -X PUT -d true http://$SERVER/api/access/:persistentId/allowAccessRequest?persistentId={pid} """ if is_pid: url = "{0}/:persistentId/allowAccessRequest?persistentId={1}".format( self.base_url_api_data_access, identifier ) else: url = "{0}/{1}/allowAccessRequest".format( self.base_url_api_data_access, identifier ) if do_allow: data = "true" else: data = "false" return self.put_request(url, data=data, auth=auth)
[docs] def grant_file_access(self, identifier, user, auth=False): """Grant datafile access. curl -H "X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN" -X PUT http://$SERVER/api/access/datafile/{id}/grantAccess/{@userIdentifier} """ url = "{0}/datafile/{1}/grantAccess/{2}".format( self.base_url_api_data_access, identifier, user ) return self.put_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def list_file_access_requests(self, identifier, auth=False): """Liste datafile access requests. curl -H "X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN" -X GET http://$SERVER/api/access/datafile/{id}/listRequests """ url = "{0}/datafile/{1}/listRequests".format( self.base_url_api_data_access, identifier ) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs]class MetricsApi(Api): """Class to access Dataverse's Metrics API. Attributes ---------- base_url_api_metrics : type Description of attribute `base_url_api_metrics`. base_url : type Description of attribute `base_url`. """ def __init__(self, base_url, api_token=None, api_version="latest"): """Init an MetricsApi() class.""" super().__init__(base_url, api_token, api_version) if base_url: self.base_url_api_metrics = "{0}/api/info/metrics".format(self.base_url) else: self.base_url_api_metrics = None def __str__(self): """Return name of MetricsApi() class for users. Returns ------- str Naming of the MetricsApi() class. """ return "Metrics API: {0}".format(self.base_url_api_metrics)
[docs] def total(self, data_type, date_str=None, auth=False): """ GET https://$SERVER/api/info/metrics/$type GET https://$SERVER/api/info/metrics/$type/toMonth/$YYYY-DD $type can be set to dataverses, datasets, files or downloads. """ url = "{0}/{1}".format(self.base_url_api_metrics, data_type) if date_str: url += "/toMonth/{0}".format(date_str) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def past_days(self, data_type, days_str, auth=False): """ GET https://$SERVER/api/info/metrics/$type/pastDays/$days $type can be set to dataverses, datasets, files or downloads. """ # TODO: check if date-string has proper format url = "{0}/{1}/pastDays/{2}".format( self.base_url_api_metrics, data_type, days_str ) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def get_dataverses_by_subject(self, auth=False): """ GET https://$SERVER/api/info/metrics/dataverses/bySubject $type can be set to dataverses, datasets, files or downloads. """ # TODO: check if date-string has proper format url = "{0}/dataverses/bySubject".format(self.base_url_api_metrics) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def get_dataverses_by_category(self, auth=False): """ GET https://$SERVER/api/info/metrics/dataverses/byCategory $type can be set to dataverses, datasets, files or downloads. """ # TODO: check if date-string has proper format url = "{0}/dataverses/byCategory".format(self.base_url_api_metrics) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def get_datasets_by_subject(self, date_str=None, auth=False): """ GET https://$SERVER/api/info/metrics/datasets/bySubject $type can be set to dataverses, datasets, files or downloads. """ # TODO: check if date-string has proper format url = "{0}/datasets/bySubject".format(self.base_url_api_metrics) if date_str: url += "/toMonth/{0}".format(date_str) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def get_datasets_by_data_location(self, data_location, auth=False): """ GET https://$SERVER/api/info/metrics/datasets/bySubject $type can be set to dataverses, datasets, files or downloads. """ # TODO: check if date-string has proper format url = "{0}/datasets/?dataLocation={1}".format( self.base_url_api_metrics, data_location ) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs]class NativeApi(Api): """Class to access Dataverse's Native API. Parameters ---------- base_url : type Description of parameter `base_url`. api_token : type Description of parameter `api_token`. api_version : type Description of parameter `api_version`. Attributes ---------- base_url_api_native : type Description of attribute `base_url_api_native`. base_url_api : type Description of attribute `base_url_api`. """ def __init__(self, base_url: str, api_token=None, api_version="v1"): """Init an Api() class. Scheme, host and path combined create the base-url for the api. See more about URL at `Wikipedia <>`_. Parameters ---------- native_api_version : str Api version of Dataverse native api. Default is `v1`. """ super().__init__(base_url, api_token, api_version) self.base_url_api_native = self.base_url_api def __str__(self): """Return name of NativeApi() class for users. Returns ------- str Naming of the NativeApi() class. """ return "Native API: {0}".format(self.base_url_api_native)
[docs] def get_dataverse(self, identifier, auth=False): """Get dataverse metadata by alias or id. View metadata about a dataverse. .. code-block:: bash GET http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$id Parameters ---------- identifier : str Can either be a dataverse id (long), a dataverse alias (more robust), or the special value ``:root``. Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ url = "{0}/dataverses/{1}".format(self.base_url_api_native, identifier) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def create_dataverse( self, parent: str, metadata: str, auth: bool = True ) -> Response: """Create a dataverse. Generates a new dataverse under identifier. Expects a JSON content describing the dataverse. HTTP Request: .. code-block:: bash POST http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$id Download the `dataverse.json < _downloads/dataverse-complete.json>`_ example file and modify to create dataverses to suit your needs. The fields name, alias, and dataverseContacts are required. Status Codes: 200: dataverse created 201: dataverse created Parameters ---------- parent : str Parent dataverse, to which the Dataverse gets attached to. metadata : str Metadata of the Dataverse. auth : bool True if api authorization is necessary. Defaults to ``True``. Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ metadata_dict = json.loads(metadata) identifier = metadata_dict["alias"] url = "{0}/dataverses/{1}".format(self.base_url_api_native, parent) resp = self.post_request(url, metadata, auth) if resp.status_code == 404: error_msg = resp.json()["message"] raise DataverseNotFoundError( "ERROR: HTTP 404 - Dataverse {0} was not found. MSG: {1}".format( parent, error_msg ) ) elif resp.status_code != 200 and resp.status_code != 201: error_msg = resp.json()["message"] raise OperationFailedError( "ERROR: HTTP {0} - Dataverse {1} could not be created. MSG: {2}".format( resp.status_code, identifier, error_msg ) ) else: print("Dataverse {0} created.".format(identifier)) return resp
[docs] def publish_dataverse(self, identifier, auth=True): """Publish a dataverse. Publish the Dataverse pointed by identifier, which can either by the dataverse alias or its numerical id. HTTP Request: .. code-block:: bash POST http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$identifier/actions/:publish Status Code: 200: Dataverse published Parameters ---------- identifier : str Can either be a dataverse id (long) or a dataverse alias (more robust). auth : bool True if api authorization is necessary. Defaults to ``False``. Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ url = "{0}/dataverses/{1}/actions/:publish".format( self.base_url_api_native, identifier ) resp = self.post_request(url, auth=auth) if resp.status_code == 401: error_msg = resp.json()["message"] raise ApiAuthorizationError( "ERROR: HTTP 401 - Publish Dataverse {0} unauthorized. MSG: {1}".format( identifier, error_msg ) ) elif resp.status_code == 404: error_msg = resp.json()["message"] raise DataverseNotFoundError( "ERROR: HTTP 404 - Dataverse {0} was not found. MSG: {1}".format( identifier, error_msg ) ) elif resp.status_code != 200: error_msg = resp.json()["message"] raise OperationFailedError( "ERROR: HTTP {0} - Dataverse {1} could not be published. MSG: {2}".format( resp.status_code, identifier, error_msg ) ) elif resp.status_code == 200: print("Dataverse {0} published.".format(identifier)) return resp
[docs] def delete_dataverse(self, identifier, auth=True): """Delete dataverse by alias or id. Status Code: 200: Dataverse deleted Parameters ---------- identifier : str Can either be a dataverse id (long) or a dataverse alias (more robust). Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ url = "{0}/dataverses/{1}".format(self.base_url_api_native, identifier) resp = self.delete_request(url, auth) if resp.status_code == 401: error_msg = resp.json()["message"] raise ApiAuthorizationError( "ERROR: HTTP 401 - Delete Dataverse {0} unauthorized. MSG: {1}".format( identifier, error_msg ) ) elif resp.status_code == 404: error_msg = resp.json()["message"] raise DataverseNotFoundError( "ERROR: HTTP 404 - Dataverse {0} was not found. MSG: {1}".format( identifier, error_msg ) ) elif resp.status_code == 403: error_msg = resp.json()["message"] raise DataverseNotEmptyError( "ERROR: HTTP 403 - Dataverse {0} not empty. MSG: {1}".format( identifier, error_msg ) ) elif resp.status_code != 200: error_msg = resp.json()["message"] raise OperationFailedError( "ERROR: HTTP {0} - Dataverse {1} could not be deleted. MSG: {2}".format( resp.status_code, identifier, error_msg ) ) elif resp.status_code == 200: print("Dataverse {0} deleted.".format(identifier)) return resp
[docs] def get_dataverse_roles(self, identifier: str, auth: bool = False) -> Response: """All the roles defined directly in the dataverse by identifier. `Docs <>`_ .. code-block:: bash GET http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$id/roles Parameters ---------- identifier : str Can either be a dataverse id (long), a dataverse alias (more robust), or the special value ``:root``. Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ url = "{0}/dataverses/{1}/roles".format(self.base_url_api_native, identifier) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def get_dataverse_contents(self, identifier, auth=True): """Gets contents of Dataverse. Parameters ---------- identifier : str Can either be a dataverse id (long), a dataverse alias (more robust), or the special value ``:root``. auth : bool Description of parameter `auth` (the default is False). Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ url = "{0}/dataverses/{1}/contents".format(self.base_url_api_native, identifier) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def get_dataverse_assignments(self, identifier, auth=False): """Get dataverse assignments by alias or id. View assignments of a dataverse. .. code-block:: bash GET http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$id/assignments Parameters ---------- identifier : str Can either be a dataverse id (long), a dataverse alias (more robust), or the special value ``:root``. Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ url = "{0}/dataverses/{1}/assignments".format( self.base_url_api_native, identifier ) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def get_dataverse_facets(self, identifier, auth=False): """Get dataverse facets by alias or id. View facets of a dataverse. .. code-block:: bash GET http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$id/facets Parameters ---------- identifier : str Can either be a dataverse id (long), a dataverse alias (more robust), or the special value ``:root``. Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ url = "{0}/dataverses/{1}/facets".format(self.base_url_api_native, identifier) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def dataverse_id2alias(self, dataverse_id, auth=False): """Converts a Dataverse ID to an alias. Parameters ---------- dataverse_id : str Dataverse ID. Returns ------- str Dataverse alias """ resp = self.get_dataverse(dataverse_id, auth=auth) if "data" in resp.json(): if "alias" in resp.json()["data"]: return resp.json()["data"]["alias"] print("ERROR: Can not resolve Dataverse ID to alias.") return False
[docs] def get_dataset(self, identifier, version=":latest", auth=True, is_pid=True): """Get metadata of a Dataset. With Dataverse identifier: .. code-block:: bash GET http://$SERVER/api/datasets/$identifier With persistent identifier: .. code-block:: bash GET http://$SERVER/api/datasets/:persistentId/?persistentId=$id GET http://$SERVER/api/datasets/:persistentId/ ?persistentId=$pid Parameters ---------- identifier : str Identifier of the dataset. Can be a Dataverse identifier or a persistent identifier (e.g. ``doi:10.11587/8H3N93``). is_pid : bool True, if identifier is a persistent identifier. version : str Version to be retrieved: ``:latest-published``: the latest published version ``:latest``: either a draft (if exists) or the latest published version. ``:draft``: the draft version, if any ``x.y``: x.y a specific version, where x is the major version number and y is the minor version number. ``x``: same as x.0 Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ if is_pid: # TODO: Add version to query url = "{0}/datasets/:persistentId/?persistentId={1}".format( self.base_url_api_native, identifier ) else: url = "{0}/datasets/{1}".format(self.base_url_api_native, identifier) # CHECK: Its not really clear, if the version query can also be done via ID. return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def get_dataset_versions(self, identifier, auth=True, is_pid=True): """Get versions of a Dataset. With Dataverse identifier: .. code-block:: bash GET http://$SERVER/api/datasets/$identifier/versions With persistent identifier: .. code-block:: bash GET http://$SERVER/api/datasets/:persistentId/versions?persistentId=$id Parameters ---------- identifier : str Identifier of the dataset. Can be a Dataverse identifier or a persistent identifier (e.g. ``doi:10.11587/8H3N93``). is_pid : bool True, if identifier is a persistent identifier. Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ if is_pid: url = "{0}/datasets/:persistentId/versions?persistentId={1}".format( self.base_url_api_native, identifier ) else: url = "{0}/datasets/{1}/versions".format( self.base_url_api_native, identifier ) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def get_dataset_version(self, identifier, version, auth=True, is_pid=True): """Get version of a Dataset. With Dataverse identifier: .. code-block:: bash GET http://$SERVER/api/datasets/$identifier/versions/$versionNumber With persistent identifier: .. code-block:: bash GET http://$SERVER/api/datasets/:persistentId/versions/$versionNumber?persistentId=$id Parameters ---------- identifier : str Identifier of the dataset. Can be a Dataverse identifier or a persistent identifier (e.g. ``doi:10.11587/8H3N93``). version : str Version string of the Dataset. is_pid : bool True, if identifier is a persistent identifier. Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ if is_pid: url = "{0}/datasets/:persistentId/versions/{1}?persistentId={2}".format( self.base_url_api_native, version, identifier ) else: url = "{0}/datasets/{1}/versions/{2}".format( self.base_url_api_native, identifier, version ) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def get_dataset_export(self, pid, export_format, auth=False): """Get metadata of dataset exported in different formats. Export the metadata of the current published version of a dataset in various formats by its persistend identifier. .. code-block:: bash GET http://$SERVER/api/datasets/export?exporter=$exportformat&persistentId=$pid Parameters ---------- pid : str Persistent identifier of the dataset. (e.g. ``doi:10.11587/8H3N93``). export_format : str Export format as a string. Formats: ``ddi``, ``oai_ddi``, ``dcterms``, ``oai_dc``, ````, ``dataverse_json``. Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ url = "{0}/datasets/export?exporter={1}&persistentId={2}".format( self.base_url_api_native, export_format, pid ) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def create_dataset(self, dataverse, metadata, pid=None, publish=False, auth=True): """Add dataset to a dataverse. `Dataverse Documentation <>`_ HTTP Request: .. code-block:: bash POST http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$dataverse/datasets --upload-file FILENAME Add new dataset with curl: .. code-block:: bash curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: $API_TOKEN" -X POST $SERVER_URL/api/dataverses/$DV_ALIAS/datasets --upload-file tests/data/dataset_min.json Import dataset with existing persistend identifier with curl: .. code-block:: bash curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: $API_TOKEN" -X POST $SERVER_URL/api/dataverses/$DV_ALIAS/datasets/:import?pid=$PERSISTENT_IDENTIFIER&release=yes --upload-file tests/data/dataset_min.json To create a dataset, you must create a JSON file containing all the metadata you want such as example file: `dataset-finch1.json <>`_. Then, you must decide which dataverse to create the dataset in and target that datavese with either the "alias" of the dataverse (e.g. "root") or the database id of the dataverse (e.g. "1"). The initial version state will be set to "DRAFT": Status Code: 201: dataset created Import Dataset with existing PID: `<>`_ To import a dataset with an existing persistent identifier (PID), the dataset’s metadata should be prepared in Dataverse’s native JSON format. The PID is provided as a parameter at the URL. The following line imports a dataset with the PID PERSISTENT_IDENTIFIER to Dataverse, and then releases it: The pid parameter holds a persistent identifier (such as a DOI or Handle). The import will fail if no PID is provided, or if the provided PID fails validation. The optional release parameter tells Dataverse to immediately publish the dataset. If the parameter is changed to no, the imported dataset will remain in DRAFT status. Parameters ---------- dataverse : str "alias" of the dataverse (e.g. ``root``) or the database id of the dataverse (e.g. ``1``) pid : str PID of existing Dataset. publish : bool Publish only works when a Dataset with an existing PID is created. If it is ``True``, Dataset should be instantly published, ``False`` if a Draft should be created. metadata : str Metadata of the Dataset as a json-formatted string (e. g. `dataset-finch1.json <>`_) Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ if pid: assert isinstance(pid, str) url = "{0}/dataverses/{1}/datasets/:import?pid={2}".format( self.base_url_api_native, dataverse, pid ) if publish: url += "&release=yes" else: url += "&release=no" else: url = "{0}/dataverses/{1}/datasets".format( self.base_url_api_native, dataverse ) resp = self.post_request(url, metadata, auth) if resp.status_code == 404: error_msg = resp.json()["message"] raise DataverseNotFoundError( "ERROR: HTTP 404 - Dataverse {0} was not found. MSG: {1}".format( dataverse, error_msg ) ) elif resp.status_code == 401: error_msg = resp.json()["message"] raise ApiAuthorizationError( "ERROR: HTTP 401 - Create Dataset unauthorized. MSG: {0}".format( error_msg ) ) elif resp.status_code == 201: if "data" in resp.json(): if "persistentId" in resp.json()["data"]: identifier = resp.json()["data"]["persistentId"] print("Dataset with pid '{0}' created.".format(identifier)) elif "id" in resp.json()["data"]: identifier = resp.json()["data"]["id"] print("Dataset with id '{0}' created.".format(identifier)) else: print("ERROR: No identifier returned for created Dataset.") return resp
[docs] def edit_dataset_metadata( self, identifier, metadata, is_pid=True, replace=False, auth=True ): """Edit metadata of a given dataset. `edit-dataset-metadata <>`_. HTTP Request: .. code-block:: bash PUT http://$SERVER/api/datasets/editMetadata/$id --upload-file FILENAME Add data to dataset fields that are blank or accept multiple values with the following CURL Request: .. code-block:: bash curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: $API_TOKEN" -X PUT $SERVER_URL/api/datasets/:persistentId/editMetadata/?persistentId=$pid --upload-file dataset-add-metadata.json For these edits your JSON file need only include those dataset fields which you would like to edit. A sample JSON file may be downloaded here: `dataset-edit-metadata-sample.json <>`_ Parameters ---------- identifier : str Identifier of the dataset. Can be a Dataverse identifier or a persistent identifier (e.g. ``doi:10.11587/8H3N93``). metadata : str Metadata of the Dataset as a json-formatted string. is_pid : bool ``True`` to use persistent identifier. ``False``, if not. replace : bool ``True`` to replace already existing metadata. ``False``, if not. auth : bool ``True``, if an api token should be sent. Defaults to ``False``. Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. Examples ------- Get dataset metadata:: >>> data = api.get_dataset(doi).json()["data"]["latestVersion"]["metadataBlocks"]["citation"] >>> resp = api.edit_dataset_metadata(doi, data, is_replace=True, auth=True) >>> resp.status_code 200: metadata updated """ if is_pid: url = "{0}/datasets/:persistentId/editMetadata/?persistentId={1}".format( self.base_url_api_native, identifier ) else: url = "{0}/datasets/editMetadata/{1}".format( self.base_url_api_native, identifier ) params = {"replace": True} if replace else {} resp = self.put_request(url, metadata, auth, params) if resp.status_code == 401: error_msg = resp.json()["message"] raise ApiAuthorizationError( "ERROR: HTTP 401 - Updating metadata unauthorized. MSG: {0}".format( error_msg ) ) elif resp.status_code == 400: if "Error parsing" in resp.json()["message"]: print("Wrong passed data format.") else: print( "You may not add data to a field that already has data and does not" " allow multiples. Use is_replace=true to replace existing data." ) elif resp.status_code == 200: print("Dataset '{0}' updated".format(identifier)) return resp
[docs] def create_dataset_private_url(self, identifier, is_pid=True, auth=True): """Create private Dataset URL. POST http://$SERVER/api/datasets/$id/privateUrl?key=$apiKey 'MSG: {1}'.format(pid, error_msg)) """ if is_pid: url = "{0}/datasets/:persistentId/privateUrl/?persistentId={1}".format( self.base_url_api_native, identifier ) else: url = "{0}/datasets/{1}/privateUrl".format( self.base_url_api_native, identifier ) resp = self.post_request(url, auth=auth) if resp.status_code == 200: print( "Dataset private URL created: {0}".format(resp.json()["data"]["link"]) ) return resp
[docs] def get_dataset_private_url(self, identifier, is_pid=True, auth=True): """Get private Dataset URL. GET http://$SERVER/api/datasets/$id/privateUrl?key=$apiKey """ if is_pid: url = "{0}/datasets/:persistentId/privateUrl/?persistentId={1}".format( self.base_url_api_native, identifier ) else: url = "{0}/datasets/{1}/privateUrl".format( self.base_url_api_native, identifier ) resp = self.get_request(url, auth=auth) if resp.status_code == 200: print("Got Dataset private URL: {0}".format(resp.json()["data"]["link"])) return resp
[docs] def delete_dataset_private_url(self, identifier, is_pid=True, auth=True): """Get private Dataset URL. DELETE http://$SERVER/api/datasets/$id/privateUrl?key=$apiKey """ if is_pid: url = "{0}/datasets/:persistentId/privateUrl/?persistentId={1}".format( self.base_url_api_native, identifier ) else: url = "{0}/datasets/{1}/privateUrl".format( self.base_url_api_native, identifier ) resp = self.delete_request(url, auth=auth) if resp.status_code == 200: print("Got Dataset private URL: {0}".format(resp.json()["data"]["link"])) return resp
[docs] def publish_dataset(self, pid, release_type="minor", auth=True): """Publish dataset. Publishes the dataset whose id is passed. If this is the first version of the dataset, its version number will be set to 1.0. Otherwise, the new dataset version number is determined by the most recent version number and the type parameter. Passing type=minor increases the minor version number (2.3 is updated to 2.4). Passing type=major increases the major version number (2.3 is updated to 3.0). Superusers can pass type=updatecurrent to update metadata without changing the version number. HTTP Request: .. code-block:: bash POST http://$SERVER/api/datasets/$id/actions/:publish?type=$type When there are no default workflows, a successful publication process will result in 200 OK response. When there are workflows, it is impossible for Dataverse to know how long they are going to take and whether they will succeed or not (recall that some stages might require human intervention). Thus, a 202 ACCEPTED is returned immediately. To know whether the publication process succeeded or not, the client code has to check the status of the dataset periodically, or perform some push request in the post-publish workflow. Status Code: 200: dataset published Parameters ---------- pid : str Persistent identifier of the dataset (e.g. ``doi:10.11587/8H3N93``). release_type : str Passing ``minor`` increases the minor version number (2.3 is updated to 2.4). Passing ``major`` increases the major version number (2.3 is updated to 3.0). Superusers can pass ``updatecurrent`` to update metadata without changing the version number. auth : bool ``True`` if api authorization is necessary. Defaults to ``False``. Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ url = "{0}/datasets/:persistentId/actions/:publish".format( self.base_url_api_native ) url += "?persistentId={0}&type={1}".format(pid, release_type) resp = self.post_request(url, auth=auth) if resp.status_code == 404: error_msg = resp.json()["message"] raise DatasetNotFoundError( "ERROR: HTTP 404 - Dataset {0} was not found. MSG: {1}".format( pid, error_msg ) ) elif resp.status_code == 401: error_msg = resp.json()["message"] raise ApiAuthorizationError( "ERROR: HTTP 401 - User not allowed to publish dataset {0}. " "MSG: {1}".format(pid, error_msg) ) elif resp.status_code == 200: print("Dataset {0} published".format(pid)) return resp
[docs] def get_dataset_lock(self, pid): """Get if dataset is locked. The lock API endpoint was introduced in Dataverse 4.9.3. Parameters ---------- pid : str Persistent identifier of the Dataset (e.g. ``doi:10.11587/8H3N93``). Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ url = "{0}/datasets/:persistentId/locks/?persistentId={1}".format( self.base_url_api_native, pid ) return self.get_request(url, auth=True)
[docs] def get_dataset_assignments(self, identifier, is_pid=True, auth=True): """Get Dataset assignments. GET http://$SERVER/api/datasets/$id/assignments?key=$apiKey """ if is_pid: url = "{0}/datasets/:persistentId/assignments/?persistentId={1}".format( self.base_url_api_native, identifier ) else: url = "{0}/datasets/{1}/assignments".format( self.base_url_api_native, identifier ) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def delete_dataset(self, identifier, is_pid=True, auth=True): """Delete a dataset. Delete the dataset whose id is passed Status Code: 200: dataset deleted Parameters ---------- identifier : str Identifier of the dataset. Can be a Dataverse identifier or a persistent identifier (e.g. ``doi:10.11587/8H3N93``). is_pid : bool True, if identifier is a persistent identifier. Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ if is_pid: url = "{0}/datasets/:persistentId/?persistentId={1}".format( self.base_url_api_native, identifier ) else: url = "{0}/datasets/{1}".format(self.base_url_api_native, identifier) resp = self.delete_request(url, auth=auth) if resp.status_code == 404: error_msg = resp.json()["message"] raise DatasetNotFoundError( "ERROR: HTTP 404 - Dataset '{0}' was not found. MSG: {1}".format( identifier, error_msg ) ) elif resp.status_code == 405: error_msg = resp.json()["message"] raise OperationFailedError( "ERROR: HTTP 405 - " "Published datasets can only be deleted from the GUI. For " "more information, please refer to " "" " MSG: {0}".format(error_msg) ) elif resp.status_code == 401: error_msg = resp.json()["message"] raise ApiAuthorizationError( "ERROR: HTTP 401 - User not allowed to delete dataset '{0}'. " "MSG: {1}".format(identifier, error_msg) ) elif resp.status_code == 200: print("Dataset '{0}' deleted.".format(identifier)) return resp
[docs] def destroy_dataset(self, identifier, is_pid=True, auth=True): """Destroy Dataset. Normally published datasets should not be deleted, but there exists a “destroy” API endpoint for superusers which will act on a dataset given a persistent ID or dataset database ID: curl -H "X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN" -X DELETE http://$SERVER/api/datasets/:persistentId/destroy/?persistentId=doi:10.5072/FK2/AAA000 curl -H "X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN" -X DELETE http://$SERVER/api/datasets/999/destroy Calling the destroy endpoint is permanent and irreversible. It will remove the dataset and its datafiles, then re-index the parent dataverse in Solr. This endpoint requires the API token of a superuser. """ if is_pid: url = "{0}/datasets/:persistentId/destroy/?persistentId={1}".format( self.base_url_api_native, identifier ) else: url = "{0}/datasets/{1}/destroy".format( self.base_url_api_native, identifier ) resp = self.delete_request(url, auth=auth) if resp.status_code == 200: print("Dataset {0} destroyed".format(resp.json())) return resp
[docs] def get_datafiles_metadata(self, pid, version=":latest", auth=True): """List metadata of all datafiles of a dataset. `Documentation <>`_ HTTP Request: .. code-block:: bash GET http://$SERVER/api/datasets/$id/versions/$versionId/files Parameters ---------- pid : str Persistent identifier of the dataset. e.g. ``doi:10.11587/8H3N93``. version : str Version of dataset. Defaults to `1`. Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ base_str = "{0}/datasets/:persistentId/versions/".format( self.base_url_api_native ) url = base_str + "{0}/files?persistentId={1}".format(version, pid) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def get_datafile_metadata( self, identifier, is_filepid=False, is_draft=False, auth=True ): """ GET http://$SERVER/api/files/{id}/metadata curl $SERVER_URL/api/files/$ID/metadata curl "$SERVER_URL/api/files/:persistentId/metadata?persistentId=$PERSISTENT_ID" curl "" curl -H "X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN" $SERVER_URL/api/files/$ID/metadata/draft """ if is_filepid: url = "{0}/files/:persistentId/metadata".format(self.base_url_api_native) if is_draft: url += "/draft" url += "?persistentId={0}".format(identifier) else: url = "{0}/files/{1}/metadata".format(self.base_url_api_native, identifier) if is_draft: url += "/draft" # CHECK: Its not really clear, if the version query can also be done via ID. return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def upload_datafile(self, identifier, filename, json_str=None, is_pid=True): """Add file to a dataset. Add a file to an existing Dataset. Description and tags are optional: HTTP Request: .. code-block:: bash POST http://$SERVER/api/datasets/$id/add The upload endpoint checks the content of the file, compares it with existing files and tells if already in the database (most likely via hashing). `adding-files <>`_. Parameters ---------- identifier : str Identifier of the dataset. filename : str Full filename with path. json_str : str Metadata as JSON string. is_pid : bool ``True`` to use persistent identifier. ``False``, if not. Returns ------- dict The json string responded by the CURL request, converted to a dict(). """ url = self.base_url_api_native if is_pid: url += "/datasets/:persistentId/add?persistentId={0}".format(identifier) else: url += "/datasets/{0}/add".format(identifier) files = {"file": open(filename, "rb")} return self.post_request( url, data={"jsonData": json_str}, files=files, auth=True )
[docs] def update_datafile_metadata(self, identifier, json_str=None, is_filepid=False): """Update datafile metadata. metadata such as description, directoryLabel (File Path) and tags are not carried over from the file being replaced: Updates the file metadata for an existing file where ID is the database id of the file to update or PERSISTENT_ID is the persistent id (DOI or Handle) of the file. Requires a jsonString expressing the new metadata. No metadata from the previous version of this file will be persisted, so if you want to update a specific field first get the json with the above command and alter the fields you want. Also note that dataFileTags are not versioned and changes to these will update the published version of the file. This functions needs CURL to work! HTTP Request: .. code-block:: bash POST -F 'file=@file.extension' -F 'jsonData={json}' http://$SERVER/api/files/{id}/metadata?key={apiKey} curl -H "X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN" -X POST -F 'jsonData={"description":"My description bbb.","provFreeform":"Test prov freeform","categories":["Data"],"restrict":false}' $SERVER_URL/api/files/$ID/metadata curl -H "X-Dataverse-key:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" -X POST -F 'jsonData={"description":"My description bbb.","provFreeform":"Test prov freeform","categories":["Data"],"restrict":false}' "" `Docs <>`_. Parameters ---------- identifier : str Identifier of the dataset. json_str : str Metadata as JSON string. is_filepid : bool ``True`` to use persistent identifier for datafile. ``False``, if not. Returns ------- dict The json string responded by the CURL request, converted to a dict(). """ # if is_filepid: # url = '{0}/files/:persistentId/metadata?persistentId={1}'.format( # self.base_url_api_native, identifier) # else: # url = '{0}/files/{1}/metadata'.format(self.base_url_api_native, identifier) # # data = {'jsonData': json_str} # resp = self.post_request( # url, # data=data, # auth=True # ) query_str = self.base_url_api_native if is_filepid: query_str = "{0}/files/:persistentId/metadata?persistentId={1}".format( self.base_url_api_native, identifier ) else: query_str = "{0}/files/{1}/metadata".format( self.base_url_api_native, identifier ) shell_command = 'curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: {0}"'.format(self.api_token) shell_command += " -X POST -F 'jsonData={0}' {1}".format(json_str, query_str) # TODO(Shell): is shell=True necessary? return, shell=True, stdout=sp.PIPE)
[docs] def replace_datafile(self, identifier, filename, json_str, is_filepid=True): """Replace datafile. HTTP Request: .. code-block:: bash POST -F 'file=@file.extension' -F 'jsonData={json}' http://$SERVER/api/files/{id}/replace?key={apiKey} `replacing-files <>`_. Parameters ---------- identifier : str Identifier of the dataset. filename : str Full filename with path. json_str : str Metadata as JSON string. is_filepid : bool ``True`` to use persistent identifier for datafile. ``False``, if not. Returns ------- dict The json string responded by the CURL request, converted to a dict(). """ url = self.base_url_api_native files = {"file": open(filename, "rb")} data = {"jsonData": json_str} if is_filepid: url += "/files/:persistentId/replace?persistentId={0}".format(identifier) else: url += "/files/{0}/replace".format(identifier) return self.post_request(url, data=data, files=files, auth=True)
[docs] def get_info_version(self, auth=False): """Get the Dataverse version and build number. The response contains the version and build numbers. Requires no api token. HTTP Request: .. code-block:: bash GET http://$SERVER/api/info/version Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ url = "{0}/info/version".format(self.base_url_api_native) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def get_info_server(self, auth=False): """Get dataverse server name. This is useful when a Dataverse system is composed of multiple Java EE servers behind a load balancer. HTTP Request: .. code-block:: bash GET http://$SERVER/api/info/server Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ url = "{0}/info/server".format(self.base_url_api_native) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def get_info_api_terms_of_use(self, auth=False): """Get API Terms of Use url. The response contains the text value inserted as API Terms of use which uses the database setting :ApiTermsOfUse. HTTP Request: .. code-block:: bash GET http://$SERVER/api/info/apiTermsOfUse Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ url = "{0}/info/apiTermsOfUse".format(self.base_url_api_native) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def get_metadatablocks(self, auth=False): """Get info about all metadata blocks. Lists brief info about all metadata blocks registered in the system. HTTP Request: .. code-block:: bash GET http://$SERVER/api/metadatablocks Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ url = "{0}/metadatablocks".format(self.base_url_api_native) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def get_metadatablock(self, identifier, auth=False): """Get info about single metadata block. Returns data about the block whose identifier is passed. identifier can either be the block’s id, or its name. HTTP Request: .. code-block:: bash GET http://$SERVER/api/metadatablocks/$identifier Parameters ---------- identifier : str Can be block's id, or it's name. Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ url = "{0}/metadatablocks/{1}".format(self.base_url_api_native, identifier) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def get_user_api_token_expiration_date(self, auth=False): """Get the expiration date of an Users's API token. HTTP Request: .. code-block:: bash curl -H X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN -X GET $SERVER_URL/api/users/token Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ url = "{0}/users/token".format(self.base_url_api_native) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def recreate_user_api_token(self): """Recreate an Users API token. HTTP Request: .. code-block:: bash curl -H X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN -X POST $SERVER_URL/api/users/token/recreate Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ url = "{0}/users/token/recreate".format(self.base_url_api_native) return self.post_request(url)
[docs] def delete_user_api_token(self): """Delete an Users API token. HTTP Request: .. code-block:: bash curl -H X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN -X POST $SERVER_URL/api/users/token/recreate Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ url = "{0}/users/token".format(self.base_url_api_native) return self.delete_request(url)
[docs] def create_role(self, dataverse_id): """Create a new role. `Docs <>`_ HTTP Request: .. code-block:: bash POST http://$SERVER/api/roles?dvo=$dataverseIdtf&key=$apiKey Parameters ---------- dataverse_id : str Can be alias or id of a Dataverse. Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ url = "{0}/roles?dvo={1}".format(self.base_url_api_native, dataverse_id) return self.post_request(url)
[docs] def show_role(self, role_id, auth=False): """Show role. `Docs <>`_ HTTP Request: .. code-block:: bash GET http://$SERVER/api/roles/$id Parameters ---------- identifier : str Can be alias or id of a Dataverse. Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ url = "{0}/roles/{1}".format(self.base_url_api_native, role_id) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs] def delete_role(self, role_id): """Delete role. `Docs <>`_ Parameters ---------- identifier : str Can be alias or id of a Dataverse. Returns ------- requests.Response Response object of requests library. """ url = "{0}/roles/{1}".format(self.base_url_api_native, role_id) return self.delete_request(url)
[docs] def get_children( self, parent=":root", parent_type="dataverse", children_types=None, auth=True ): """Walk through children of parent element in Dataverse tree. Default: gets all child dataverses if parent = dataverse or all Example Dataverse Tree: .. code-block:: bash data = { 'type': 'dataverse', 'dataverse_id': 1, 'dataverse_alias': ':root', 'children': [ { 'type': 'datasets', 'dataset_id': 231, 'pid': 'doi:10.11587/LYFDYC', 'children': [ { 'type': 'datafile' 'datafile_id': 532, 'pid': 'doi:10.11587/LYFDYC/C2WTRN', 'filename': '10082_curation.pdf ' } ] } ] } Parameters ---------- parent : str Description of parameter `parent`. parent_type : str Description of parameter `parent_type`. children_types : list Types of children to be collected. 'dataverses', 'datasets' and 'datafiles' are valid list items. auth : bool Authentication needed Returns ------- list List of Dataverse data type dictionaries. Different ones for Dataverses, Datasets and Datafiles. # TODO - differentiate between published and unpublished data types - util function to read out all dataverses into a list - util function to read out all datasets into a list - util function to read out all datafiles into a list - Unify tree and models """ # print(self.base_url_api) children = [] if children_types is None: children_types = [] if len(children_types) == 0: if parent_type == "dataverse": children_types = ["dataverses"] elif parent_type == "dataset": children_types = ["datafiles"] if ( "dataverses" in children_types and "datafiles" in children_types and "datasets" not in children_types ): print( "ERROR: Wrong children_types passed: 'dataverses' and 'datafiles'" " passed, 'datasets' missing." ) return False if parent_type == "dataverse": # check for dataverses and datasets as children and get their ID parent_alias = parent resp = self.get_dataverse_contents(parent_alias, auth=auth) if "data" in resp.json(): contents = resp.json()["data"] for content in contents: if ( content["type"] == "dataverse" and "dataverses" in children_types ): dataverse_id = content["id"] child_alias = self.dataverse_id2alias(dataverse_id, auth=auth) children.append( { "dataverse_id": dataverse_id, "title": content["title"], "dataverse_alias": child_alias, "type": "dataverse", "children": self.get_children( parent=child_alias, parent_type="dataverse", children_types=children_types, auth=auth, ), } ) elif content["type"] == "dataset" and "datasets" in children_types: pid = ( content["protocol"] + ":" + content["authority"] + "/" + content["identifier"] ) children.append( { "dataset_id": content["id"], "pid": pid, "type": "dataset", "children": self.get_children( parent=pid, parent_type="dataset", children_types=children_types, auth=auth, ), } ) else: print("ERROR: 'get_dataverse_contents()' API request not working.") elif parent_type == "dataset" and "datafiles" in children_types: # check for datafiles as children and get their ID pid = parent resp = self.get_datafiles_metadata(parent, version=":latest") if "data" in resp.json(): for datafile in resp.json()["data"]: children.append( { "datafile_id": datafile["dataFile"]["id"], "filename": datafile["dataFile"]["filename"], "label": datafile["label"], "pid": datafile["dataFile"]["persistentId"], "type": "datafile", } ) else: print("ERROR: 'get_datafiles()' API request not working.") return children
[docs] def get_user(self): """Get details of the current authenticated user. Auth must be ``true`` for this to work. API endpoint is available for Dataverse >= 5.3. """ url = f"{self.base_url_api_native}/users/:me" return self.get_request(url, auth=True)
[docs] def redetect_file_type( self, identifier: str, is_pid: bool = False, dry_run: bool = False ) -> Response: """Redetect file type. Parameters ---------- identifier : str Datafile id (fileid) or file PID. is_pid : bool Is the identifier a PID, by default False. dry_run : bool, optional [description], by default False Returns ------- Response Request Response() object. """ if dry_run is True: dry_run_str = "true" elif dry_run is False: dry_run_str = "false" if is_pid: url = f"{self.base_url_api_native}/files/:persistentId/redetect?persistentId={identifier}&dryRun={dry_run_str}" else: url = f"{self.base_url_api_native}/files/{identifier}/redetect?dryRun={dry_run_str}" return self.post_request(url, auth=True)
[docs] def reingest_datafile(self, identifier: str, is_pid: bool = False) -> Response: """Reingest datafile. Parameters ---------- identifier : str Datafile id (fileid) or file PID. is_pid : bool Is the identifier a PID, by default False. Returns ------- Response Request Response() object. """ if is_pid: url = f"{self.base_url_api_native}/files/:persistentId/reingest?persistentId={identifier}" else: url = f"{self.base_url_api_native}/files/{identifier}/reingest" return self.post_request(url, auth=True)
[docs] def uningest_datafile(self, identifier: str, is_pid: bool = False) -> Response: """Uningest datafile. Parameters ---------- identifier : str Datafile id (fileid) or file PID. is_pid : bool Is the identifier a PID, by default False. Returns ------- Response Request Response() object. """ if is_pid: url = f"{self.base_url_api_native}/files/:persistentId/uningest?persistentId={identifier}" else: url = f"{self.base_url_api_native}/files/{identifier}/uningest" return self.post_request(url, auth=True)
[docs] def restrict_datafile(self, identifier: str, is_pid: bool = False) -> Response: """Uningest datafile. Parameters ---------- identifier : str Datafile id (fileid) or file PID. is_pid : bool Is the identifier a PID, by default False. Returns ------- Response Request Response() object. """ if is_pid: url = f"{self.base_url_api_native}/files/:persistentId/restrict?persistentId={identifier}" else: url = f"{self.base_url_api_native}/files/{identifier}/restrict" return self.put_request(url, auth=True)
[docs]class SearchApi(Api): """Class to access Dataverse's Search API. Examples ------- Examples should be written in doctest format, and should illustrate how to use the function/class. >>> Attributes ---------- base_url_api_search : type Description of attribute `base_url_api_search`. base_url : type Description of attribute `base_url`. """ def __init__(self, base_url, api_token=None, api_version="latest"): """Init an SearchApi() class.""" super().__init__(base_url, api_token, api_version) if base_url: self.base_url_api_search = "{0}/search?q=".format(self.base_url_api) else: self.base_url_api_search = self.base_url_api def __str__(self): """Return name of SearchApi() class for users. Returns ------- str Naming of the Search API class. """ return "Search API: {0}".format(self.base_url_api_search)
[docs] def search( self, q_str, data_type=None, subtree=None, sort=None, order=None, per_page=None, start=None, show_relevance=None, show_facets=None, filter_query=None, show_entity_ids=None, query_entities=None, auth=False, ): """Search. """ url = "{0}{1}".format(self.base_url_api_search, q_str) if data_type: # TODO: pass list of types url += "&type={0}".format(data_type) if subtree: # TODO: pass list of subtrees url += "&subtree={0}".format(subtree) if sort: url += "&sort={0}".format(sort) if order: url += "&order={0}".format(order) if per_page: url += "&per_page={0}".format(per_page) if start: url += "&start={0}".format(start) if show_relevance: url += "&show_relevance={0}".format(show_relevance) if show_facets: url += "&show_facets={0}".format(show_facets) if filter_query: url += "&fq={0}".format(filter_query) if show_entity_ids: url += "&show_entity_ids={0}".format(show_entity_ids) if query_entities: url += "&query_entities={0}".format(query_entities) return self.get_request(url, auth=auth)
[docs]class SwordApi(Api): """Class to access Dataverse's SWORD API. Parameters ---------- sword_api_version : str SWORD API version. Defaults to 'v1.1'. Attributes ---------- base_url_api_sword : str Description of attribute `base_url_api_sword`. base_url : str Description of attribute `base_url`. native_api_version : str Description of attribute `native_api_version`. sword_api_version """ def __init__( self, base_url, api_version="v1.1", api_token=None, sword_api_version="v1.1" ): """Init a :class:`SwordApi <pyDataverse.api.SwordApi>` instance. Parameters ---------- sword_api_version : str Api version of Dataverse SWORD API. """ super().__init__(base_url, api_token, api_version) if not isinstance(sword_api_version, ("".__class__, "".__class__)): raise ApiUrlError( "sword_api_version {0} is not a string.".format(sword_api_version) ) self.sword_api_version = sword_api_version # Test connection. if self.base_url and sword_api_version: self.base_url_api_sword = "{0}/dvn/api/data-deposit/{1}".format( self.base_url, self.sword_api_version ) else: self.base_url_api_sword = base_url def __str__(self): """Return name of :class:Api() class for users. Returns ------- str Naming of the SWORD API class. """ return "SWORD API: {0}".format(self.base_url_api_sword) def get_service_document(self): url = "{0}/swordv2/service-document".format(self.base_url_api_sword) return self.get_request(url, auth=True)